Bayberry Votive Candles for Luck and Wealth at Yule

“A Bayberry candle burned to the socket, will bring health to the home and money to your pocket” is the old saying. And now our Bayberry Candles are available in votive size!
Bayberry candles have been burned for centuries during the Yuletide season and continue to be a popular ritual during the holiday season. According to tradition, the lighting of Bayberry candles on Yule eve will bring blessings, happiness and abundance in the coming year. A holiday favorite and a staple at Yule, our traditional Bayberry candles are handcrafted right here in the WMA candle studios. Authentically aromatic and fragrant, illuminate a brand new year with luck and prosperity with Bayberry votive candles and pillars by White Magick Alchemy.
To zoom to our Bayberry Votive Candles click here. To zoom to our Bayberry Pillar Candles click here.