Burning Candles

In the candle industry for over 23 years, I always stress the importance of safe candle burning. Its so important to know how to burn candles safely and properly so that you can get the best burn out of your candles and also harness their magical intent during your spiritual workings. The first two "Rules" are just as important as the detailed candle safety information below. The first two are no-brainers for candle magic and will also allow you to get the most life out of your special candles. These rules apply mainly to pillar candles.
- Rule #1 - OK. You got a pretty ritual candle and the first thing you need to learn is how to get your candle to burn properly and how to get the most life out of your candle. Rule is on the initial burn, the first time you light your new candle, burn 1 hour for every inch in diameter. The idea is on the initial burn you want to allow it to burn for several hours so that the wax pool reaches the edge of your pillar candle. Have you ever lit a new candle and let it burn for 15 or 20 minutes, then you blow it out because you have to leave? The next time you light it, the wax pool is small and essentially never reaches the edge of your pillar candle, hence the reason why your candle never reaches it's full burn time potential. The initial wax pool created this problem and sadly, this candle will probably never burn outside that initial burn pool.
- Rule #2 - When working with candles during spells and rituals, a witch will rarely ever leave the altar. With that said, the witch never leaves candles burning unattended. The witch is manifesting a particular intention by use of candle magic. The witch executes the intention via the candle and knows how herbs, resins, powders and crystals react with the candles flame. In other words, if you know real candle magic, you know it is standard practice to never leave your ritual candles unattended. Those who do are not practicing magic nor practicing basic candle safety which is imperative, as well, common sense.
In addition to the safety guidelines below, always use common sense when burning candles. Place pillar candles on heat safe candle dishes, plates or candle holders. Even a simple saucer will do. Place votive candles in heat safe votive cups before lighting. Rule for votives: NEVER burn votive candles without the candle being contained in a votive cup. Most votives liquify so if you don't want a big mess all over your pretty carpet, use votive cups. Place taper candles in appropriately sized taper candle holders. And most important of all, keep burning candle flames away from things that can catch fire. That's pretty much common sense right? Also, keep children and pets away from burning candles. PLEASE remember to remove all labels, ribbons or other adornments from candles before putting a match to the wick and lighting. And never leave candles burning all night. Pry your eyes open and extinguish burning candles! Keep wicks trimmed to the minimum required length, and you should be good to go. Our philosophy has always been 1/8th inch is the correct wick length. A lot of people think that the smoke and soot created by candles is the wax that the candle is made from. Wrong. The reason why candles create smoke and make your ceilings and walls black is because the wick is too long. The longer the wick, the higher the flame. And when the wick is too long, the wick is actually burning, not the wax, which is causing the smoke and soot.
White Magick Alchemy and The National Candle Association urges consumers to follow these rules for candle safety:
- Always keep a burning candle within sight. Extinguish all candles when leaving a room or before going to sleep. Be sure the wick ember is no longer glowing.
- Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire. Keep burning candles away from furniture, drapes, bedding, carpets, books, paper, flammable decorations, etc.
- Keep burning candles out of the reach of children and pets.
- Trim candlewicks to 1/8th inch each time before burning. Long or crooked wicks can cause uneven burning and dripping.
- Always use a candle-holder specifically designed for candle use. The holder should be heat resistant, sturdy, and large enough to contain any drips or melted wax.
- Be sure the candle-holder is placed on a stable, heat-resistant surface. This can help prevent heat damage to underlying surfaces and prevent glass containers from breaking.
- Keep the wax pool free of wick trimmings, matches and debris at all times.
- Always read and follow the manufacturer’s use and safety instructions carefully. Don’t burn a candle longer than the manufacturer recommends.
- Keep burning candles away from drafts, vents, ceiling fans and air currents. This will help prevent rapid, uneven burning, and avoid flame flare-ups and sooting. Drafts can also blow nearby lightweight items into the flame where they could catch fire.
- Always burn candles in a well-ventilated room. Don’t burn too many candles in a small room or in a “tight” home where air exchange is limited.
- Don’t burn a candle all the way down. Extinguish the flame if it comes too close to the holder or container. For a margin of safety, discontinue burning a candle when 2 inches of wax remains or ½ inch if in a container.
- Never touch or move a burning candle or container candle when the wax is liquid.
- Never use a knife or sharp object to remove wax drippings from a glass holder. It might scratch, weaken, or cause the glass to break upon subsequent use.
- Place burning candles at least three inches apart from one another. This helps ensure they don’t melt one another, or create their own drafts to cause improper burning.
- Use a snuffer to extinguish a candle. It’s the safest way to prevent hot wax splatters. Or place your hand behind the candle flame and blow the candle out slowly.
- Never extinguish candles with water. The water can cause the hot wax to splatter and might cause a glass container to break.
- Be very careful if using candles during a power outage. Flashlights and other battery-powered lights are safer sources of light during a power failure.
- Extinguish a candle if it repeatedly smokes, flickers, or the flame becomes too high. The candle isn’t burning properly. Cool, trim the wick, then check for drafts before relighting.
- Never use a candle as a night light.
Burning White Magick Alchemy Candles -
- Special care should be taken when burning candles that contain herbs or resins.
- Dust off herbs and/or resins from the top and sides of candles before lighting.
- If flame is burning too high, extinguish flame, trim wick and relight.
- Detailed instructions accompany all of our Herbal Alchemy Candles. Throughly read all instructions and burn according to instructions.
- Follow Candle Safety Rules at all times.
- Always remove any labels, ribbons, herbs and other adornments before lighting any candle. Common sense.
White Magick Alchemy creates spiritual candles that are uniquely crafted to harness specific magical intents. When burning candles that contain herbs or resins, SPECIAL CARE should always be taken. NEVER LEAVE CANDLES BURNING UNATTENDED!
Remember.... Safety First! Now go and make your magic!