The Needfire Spell

The needfire is an ancient custom whereas a bonfire is used to kindle magickal energy for a specific purpose, usually a serious survival need. Deep-seated needs belong in this fire. Wishes for someone to recover from a serious illness, sustaining good health, money to get through the winter so that the heat and other utilities don't get shut off, finding or sustaining shelter. Any serious need is said to be willed to fruition with the needfire.

Begin with clearing space creating a nice bonfire in a safe and sacred place. Make sure to bring jugs of water to extinguish the fire after you're done with your workings. Make sure to bring all of your supplies, paper, pens, offerings of dried herbs, chamomile, calendula, and rosemary are ideal herbal aids along with any others you deem appropriate. Once the fire is burning steadily, write down your needs on a piece of paper, setting positive intentions. When you feel that the time is right, throw your paper into the fire in chant:

Spirit of the Samhain flame, see to these needs in the coming year

You can also create and write your own chant, one that feels appropriate for your specific intentions. Follow with an offering and cast your herbs into the the needfire. When finished, meditate on the fire until it starts to die down. Make sure to extinguish the fire with your water when you leave.

Wishing you an healthy and prosperous New Year!